Saturday, August 29, 2009

"She's going to be a turkey"

That's what the ultrasound tech said on Thursday when we went in. Evidently, baby girl Williams was not cooperating very well and it took the US tech about 20 minutes to get a good view of her heart, because she kept moving around and covering her heart with her hands. When the tech asked us when she was due and we told her it was Thanksgiving, she said that this made sense because she was being a little turkey! She has moved from being breach to head down and all the while when i thought i was feeling kicks , it was actually her punching me.

As of Wednesday, i am starting my third trimester. They are still putting my due date at November 26th. The doctor has me coming in every 2 weeks but mostly the check ups are benign. I did find out my iron was a little low so she started me on iron pills. i don't know how well i am going to tolerate them. I took one today and it did not go well (lots of stomach pain) so I am going to wait until tomorrow night and try to take them in the evening.

I went home to Council Bluffs last weekend for a shower. It was so much fun. All of my closest friends from pharmacy school came so it was like a mini reunion. I also had several other family and friends there. I got a lot of really cute clothes and we made customized onesies. I got so much stuff that my mom and her husband are having to bring it down to Dallas next weekend via car. She and John's mom are planning a shower for us in Dallas which should be alot of fun.

I don't have any really great US pictures this go around , except of her face because of her positioning. She is moving alot now. In fact i laid on the couch tonight and watched my belly move up and down. i'm sure over the next few weeks it will get even more pronounced. What a miracle!


  1. Hey Kristi,
    I'm John and Vicki and Brian's friend from A&M. Just wanted to let you know that there is an all natural iron supplement that is alot easier on you. Won't constipate you as much either, better absorption, etc. It is called Floradix with Iron. Most health food stores have it, Whole Foods does too.

    Congrats on your little blessing. I was so happy to hear the news for you guys!
    :-) Christi Lachney

  2. Dear Kristi,

    I cannot explain the joy I had in my heart when I found out you were expecting. I am just so happy for you and John.

    You two will be the best parents.
    Don't you love those moments alone when you realize whats really going on inside of you? I loved all of the movements!

    Well, don't want to take up too much room here, but I love ya and I miss ya.


  3. PS

    The nursery colors are BEAUTIFUL and I wanna see more pix!


  4. I forgot to mention, try prune juice too. Milk of Magnesia helps too when it gets so bad that you feel you need to reach in there and get the dingleberry out.
